Being Single During Your First Holiday Season

For some of you, this is the first, or one of the first, holiday seasons as a single person. It’s a drastic change for your life in so many ways, though seems to be magnified during the holidays, especially for things like planning and/or going to events by yourself, even those with your family. The…

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Gifts and Dating During the Holidays

Dating during the holidays is all about expectations. Are you interested in him enough to take the time to get him a gift? Is he interested enough in you to take the time to get you a gift? If you’ve only been on a few dates with him, don’t expect a big gift or a…

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Choosing Your Date to the Holiday Office Party

Your company is having their holiday party and they let you know you could bring a date. So, who do you bring? Do could choose the best looking man who will knock their socks off or do you choose the intellectual man who will wow them with his intelligence? No, it shouldn’t matter. Yes, you…

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So You Say You’re Ready to Date

She declares she wants to move on and announces she’s ready to date. She states all the “right” things like “I have standards” and “I won’t settle” and “I am a busy woman who works hard and has hobbies and friends…” which she means “I have a life.” I heard the words she used, but…

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