5 Ways to Make Your Resolution to Find Love a Reality

You decided that finding love in the New Year is a priority. The problem is you feel like your dating life is on the fritz. Try these five ways to make your resolution to find love a reality.

1-Do something you have never done.

This means you are going to step out of your comfort zone and go learn something new. Never golfed? Take golf lessons. There are lots of men on golf courses. Never danced? Take dance lessons. The class I take usually has more men in it than women. (I think one of the reasons is that the class is taught by a woman which likely makes the men more comfortable.) Love to cook? Look up your local restaurants that feature a chef’s class, or see if there’s a culinary school near you. Using this tip means you get to have more fun while you make your new year’s resolution to find love a reality.

2-Start accepting set-ups.

I’ve talked with several people who have a very strict rule about never dating someone they met through a friend. Most likely the reason is, “well, what if it doesn’t work out? I don’t want it to strain the friendship.” It’s a valid risk, that’s true. Instead of making such an unwavering declaration, set some expectations between you and your friend. You both know your friend is not a matchmaker though if someone catches their eye that might interest you, why not explore it? Look at this introduction as a “you never know” opportunity.

3-Go online.

If you’ve never tried online dating, now is the time. If you tried it before and didn’t find “the one”, perhaps it’s time to try again. Who is a member on any given site at any given time changes daily. Maybe this time your right man will be there. What have you got to lose? See my prior posts about managing the process for some tips to make it easier, and definitely do not let anyone else’s negative experiences determine your decision. I have heard of many success stories!

4-Make your resolution to find love a reality by expanding…

Click to learn the last two ways to make love a reality in my post on Singles Warehouse.

Date Deliberately,


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