When Good Still Isn’t Mr. Right

You might discover a man who is good, kind, and decent… and he still isn’t the right one. This is a difficult situation for your head and your heart, though it is an example of knowing yourself, trusting your instincts and your decisions, and having the courage to use your standards.

This happened to me. I met someone who was consistently good to me. He called when he said he would, showed up when he said he would, brought me food when I was sick, and even offered great ideas when I was stressed about work.

You may be thinking – “He sounds pretty great. Why wasn’t he right?” As I experienced how he lived his life and his belief system, it didn’t spell a shot at “forever.” My instincts told me he wasn’t the one for me, and then I learned why when he didn’t meet one of my deal breakers.

On top of that, we were both on the brink of making another common mistake: thinking we could change things about the other person. It wasn’t a direct conversation, though I knew it was in the back of both of our minds. Is it possible someone will change the way you want them to? Sure it is. Likely? Probably not. Is it fair to expect them to? No. He deserved to be loved and accepted for the person he is and so do I.

It was difficult for me to end a relationship with a good man, but I knew in my very conflicted heart he wasn’t the right man for me. Do not settle for good, when you know it isn’t right. It would’ve been a mistake for both of us.

Settling for Mr. Good Enough is not choosing Mr. Right for You.

Date Deliberately,


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