First Date Stories: What would you do?

This is a story about two first dates and asking yourself the question – now what? On one of the dates, the man couldn’t ask for more butter for his potato without apologizing to the server three times. The sentence was something like (spoken to the server), “excuse me, if it would maybe be possible,…

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First Date Tips – What do I say?

First dates are brimming with anticipation, excitement, questions and curiosity. With all of that energy, the number one question, besides what should I wear, is what do I say??? What should I talk about? What should I share? What if it gets quiet? Stop worrying and take a breath. After you figure out your outfit,…

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Date Smarter Using Your Head with Your Heart

It’s so easy to get caught up in the romance of him… his smile, how he smells, how those jeans fit him, the nice things he whispers in your ear, the flowers he sent, and even the way he apologizes when he keeps promising things he doesn’t deliver on. This heart centered intoxication is dreamy,…

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What’s Your Priority – Him or Your Phone?

It never ceases to amaze me how obsessed people are with checking their smartphones. Constantly. Repeatedly. Like they are waiting for the cure to their day or maybe even their life. Do you constantly pick up your phone while you are out on a date? Respond to every ding, chirp and ring? If you don’t,…

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Dating Safety – Ask for a Security Call

This isn’t such a fun dating topic, but it is extremely important. Your personal security during the dating process absolutely deserves your focus. The general rules of safety and awareness we women follow every day don’t go away because you are out on a date. The added complication is being on a date potentially puts…

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