Subscriber Question: A Heart Versus Head Dating Dilemma

Thank you to the subscriber who sent me this question. She and I already talked about this in her free “need to talk” session though I suspect this scenario may help others in difficult dating dilemmas. As always, questions and stories are shared anonymously. The Situation: He’s fun, hot, built and makes her grin. They’ve…

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Dating Advice I Wish I Listened To

Taking stock of your dating decisions, why you made them, and the dating advice that you ignored takes courage. You might even recognize yourself in one or more of these common dating temptations. The reward for listening to the advice this time is a deeper understanding of your love life before now, your love life…

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#1 Way You Sabotage Your Love Life

Self-sabotage is one of the deadliest reasons your love life is not the way you want it. Especially since its danger lies in the hidden ways it’s impacting your love life, and your life in general. And, self-sabotage is always doing it to yourself. No one else is doing it to you, so you are a victim of…

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3 First Date Conversation Blunders

A first date is a time to feel the chemistry, laugh, talk and spend some time discovering if you’d like to see him again. It is not a time to flood him with your life story, every time you’ve ever been hurt, or your current life woes. We all have things we’re dealing with in…

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