Your Pet Might Have Better Dating Standards Than You Do

Fellow animal lovers, our pets are a good barometer for the quality of the men we choose to date. This story came to mind as I was listening to a woman share a pet (dogs and cats) story with me recently. Many years ago, every time a man I was dating at the time was…

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Where Will You Find Him?

Whenever I’m speaking for groups about deliberate dating, the number one question I always get is “where IS he???” “Where is my Mr. Right?” Unfortunately, no one likes my answer given I don’t know where he is. If I knew where everyone’s perfect match was, I’m sure I’d have a much more divinely inspired name….

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How Many Chances Does He Get?

Mistakes are part of being human though where’s the line between messing up, being misleading, and flat out deception? How many chances does he get with you? Inadvertent miscommunication is one thing, intentionally misleading you is quite another. Knowing the difference is both an art and a science though the primary key is paying attention….

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Age Differences in Dating – Is It Just a Number?

Age differences in dating are a frequently debated topic. Is it just a number? Does it indicate the potential success or failure of your relationship? Does it matter at all? Who decides the answer and is it relevant if you are older or if he is? Let’s start with the last question. That’s the easiest…

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Does He Have the “Right” Package?

Have you ever heard the expression, “the right man doesn’t always come in the right package.” The woman who asked me about this phrase was very concerned because she found a man she liked who didn’t really meet her idea of who she thought she “should” be with. He didn’t have the “right” job and…

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