Date Smarter Using Your Head with Your Heart

It’s so easy to get caught up in the romance of him… his smile, how he smells, how those jeans fit him, the nice things he whispers in your ear, the flowers he sent, and even the way he apologizes when he keeps promising things he doesn’t deliver on. This heart centered intoxication is dreamy,…

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Chameleon Syndrome: Are you trying to impress or trying to connect?

Being a little nervous when you first start dating someone is simply being human. The problem is when you are so nervous, scared and worried about dating (or your life) that your sole focus is trying to impress him and be liked. You mold yourself to become what you think he wants, share tales of your life…

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Is It True? – “You’ll find him when you stop looking”

Someone in your life might have told you that “you’ll find him when you stop looking.” The reason it might actually work is because you stop worrying about the past, and then learn about yourself, live in the present and get comfortable with who you are. You can’t live in the future so if you’re…

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I Don’t Want to Scare Him Off

“Don’t want to scare him off” is a phrase I’ve heard, and have used myself in the past. If he’s interested in you or wants to be in a relationship with you, he won’t be scared. If he is scared, it could be your values don’t match, you don’t have the same expectations about a…

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Dating by Text Messages?

It is truly astounding to me that people are attempting to date and build relationships, or they think it’s a relationship, by texting a majority of their communication. It’s a rarity in these cases to actually talk voice to voice. I ask you to fast forward with me… if this was a real relationship, are…

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