Four Avoidable Dating Mistakes

Dating success begins with you, not with the guy you are seeing. Some of these four avoidable dating mistakes are the simplest things to change. The others may require a little more focus, and a willingness to change.

Talking Too Much

Talking too much can be a turn off. This avoidable dating mistake is about your knowledge of yourself and what you are willing to do about it. Is it nerves that make you chatter non-stop or is that your normal mode of operation? Either way, if the guy can’t get a word in edgewise, he may right you off, without a second thought. Be careful not to go to the other extreme and become a silent mute. The answer is likely a happy medium where the conversation is a two way discussion.

The Avoidable Dating Mistake of Dating Your Ex

The first question I would ask is WHY are you dating your ex? You broke up for a reason so unless those reasons have actually changed, it’s likely you are dating your ex because you are bored, lonely and convinced you won’t find a better relationship. Be good to yourself and move on from this avoidable dating mistake. You aren’t doing either of you any favors by living in the fantasy that this time is different.

Two Drink Limit

This one is relative to your own “normal” drinking habits, though for many people, two is generally the max and still be reasonably behaved. A social drink is fine, though careful of having it because you are nervous and trying to relax. You’ll likely drink it faster than usual and may get a little tipsy. This is a date, with someone you don’t know very well, so keep your wits about you. Turning into a drunk lush is not attractive to good men.

Do Not Just…

Click for the last avoidable dating mistake, plus a bonus one I threw in at the end of my article for Singles Warehouse.

Date Deliberately,


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