Top 3 Signs to Dump Him and Run

At their request, I am also writing dating tips for Singles Warehouse, a singles site in the UK with an international audience that includes the US. Below is my first article! Find me on Twitter, @DateDeliberate #SWExpert; or on Facebook,


No one wants to get hurt, or rejected, or dumped, but when these signs show themselves, it’s time to dump him and run. Ask yourself – Does he really fit the picture of love you have in mind?

Something Does Not Add Up

He does things like asks you not to contact him during the day, or won’t tell you where he works, or where he grew up. He always has the “right” answer to justify that he said he was at one place but was really at another. You can’t get a straight answer about anything and his story changes every time you have a conversation.

These inconsistencies and gaps in his life should peak your instincts. What is he hiding? Is he married? Does he have kids he hasn’t told you about? You’ll have to decide how many times he gets to make excuses, or do what you already know is the right answer and dump him and run.

Your Gut is in Knots

Your queasy physical reaction when you are around him is a big sign of trouble. If you are constantly anxious, worried or wondering if he’ll be good to you, it’s time to find someone you don’t have to wonder about. Being nervous because you like him and “he’s so wonderful” isn’t the same as your gut churning because there’s something not quite right about him. Your gut knows a lot. It’s time to listen to it.

The Third Sign…

See the last, but not least, sign to dump him and run in my article on Singles Warehouse.

Date Deliberately,


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