What Scares Me Most About Dating

These four situations can keep you from finding your Mr. Right, or you can work through each one and find him sooner.

I’m Not a Supermodel

Men and women of all sizes, heights, and shapes meet, date, fall in love, have great relationships and even long and happy marriages. You don’t have to be a supermodel to deserve real love, nor do you have to look like one to attract a mate. Your job is to be happy with yourself and look fantastic in whatever outfit your choose to wear. The outside glows from what’s on the inside!

I’m Starting Over – Again

We’ve all loved and lost so you’re not alone. The older you get, the higher the odds that your date is in the same boat as you.

It’s scary to start over, but despite the risk and the fact that the last relationship or marriage didn’t work out, don’t let that keep you from trying this time. You deserve a great love and the only way to get it is to try again.

I’m Not Sure I’m Ready to Date – How do you know?

Dating is a lot about having the confidence to try, to fail, to try again, and to take the risk. If you really can’t get past the hurt and pain of the past, take time to work on that first. Otherwise, you’ll drag all your past baggage on every date with you. You know you’re ready to date when you’ve made the decision to take the risk and ‘put yourself out there’ so to speak.

I’m Not Sure I Can Handle the Rejection

Rejection is the most feared piece of dating. We worry so much about messing up and getting dumped that we forget that it just might work out! Of course, then we might worry about messing up a good thing. Stop! Give yourself permission to take a chance. Know yourself and your dating standards well enough to recognize when you’ve met someone with potential and when you haven’t.

Choosing who gets a chance is very different than ending up with someone. Have the strength to live your standards.

Date Deliberately,


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