What’s a Dating Deal Breaker?
Posted by Debra Kunz on 23 Jul 2013 . Filed under: Dating Process, Dating Success, Dating Tips, Deliberate Dating, Deliberate Decisions, Finding Mr. Right
Your deal breakers are things required for you to be interested in someone. This isn’t your list of things you’d “like to have” or even “must have.” This is the list that’s truly so essential you’d automatically pass on someone who didn’t meet them. Yep – I said automatically pass. How many deal breakers you have depends on you, though likely no more than five or so.
As you consider your list, think about what you like, how you live, and your general values and belief system. Your deal breakers may evolve as you learn more about yourself, though I suspect some of them are part of your personal values. Also include things that may seem obvious, like a preference about having or wanting children.
Be careful about including too many physical characteristics. For example, whether or not he has hair is not important to me. I’m far more interested in his character, intelligence, how he lives his life, and how he treats me. If you’re thinking hair is a critical deal breaker for you, put it on your list and understand it narrows your options.
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